new developments in CNOOC insider trading case

Another $11m in SEC settlements related to insider trading ahead of CNOOC’s acquisition of Nexen in 2012, this time from two HK asset managers owned by, among others, a CITIC Group subsidiary and one Wang Junyan 王俊彥, and some of their clients. Mr Wang is the chairman of one of the companies agreeing to settle (China Shenghai 盛海 Investment Management Ltd), a JV partner (as per the Reuters story) in the other one and has sat in the boards of various HK-listed companies. He’s also an adjunct professor at the Business School of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Previous settlements have included $14m with a firm controlled by shipbuilding magnate Zhang Zhirong 张志熔, then some $3m with a trader at GF Securities Hong Kong. Among the owners of accounts frozen in 2012 at the SEC’s request in connection with the Nexen deal were entities related to gold miner Zhaojin 招金 and Jun Yang Solar (君陽太陽能). Wang Junyan used to be a shareholder of the latter.